Ignore those who say, you are
Too bold
Too big
Too much.
Listen instead, to the wind;
Stand tall
Face the sun
Claim space.
— Nadine Bower
Warm, yellow sun
A glowing hug of home
Protected & naive
Innocent & small
A glowing hug of home
Warm yellow sun
— Nadine Bower
A summer spent in growth
Taller and stronger each day
A power from within
Wild, fearless, brave
— Nadine Bower
Swaying with the wind
Following the sun
Freed from just a seed

But strong beyond any other
Unique beyond compare
Nourishing for what is yet to come
— Nadine Bower
A sunflower cannot be a flower;
But it also cannot be a tree.
A sunflower is a just sunflower;
A symbol of being me.
— Nadine Bower

The In Between